
Swimming and self-defense?
What a weird comparison (I know) but hear me out; they are THE two skills every human being (and kid) must learn: how to swim and basic self-defense principles.
Swimming IS protection from or in water (and great exercise). Self-defense is protection from humans that mean to cause us harm (it’s also a great workout).

And it is important to teach kids this technology so they know what to do and can practice it whenever they need it.

Why do we consider self-defense a “practice”?
Because it’s something you do over and over. You use it when you need it. You practice it. You practice setting boundaries, assessing new situations, and being aware in public.
Just like swimming, once you learn how to swim you never forget. Most of us aren’t dropped into a lake or an ocean suddenly and accidentally; just like we don’t know when we might need to use our protective “Inner Warrior”.

After you learn to tap into your adrenal system for protection and access your power, you realize you have new tools to handle whatever life throws your way.
In “Stop Bullies Fast” Level One we provide the first steps of training: understand our body’s signals, using our voice, how to create a solid stance, put your hands up, and remember the physical moves should it go that far.

Self Defense Tip: Apply what you learn in self-defense in daily life. Stay aware. Big steps in boundaries and little steps in safety. Keep strangers at a safe distance.

Knowing you have what it takes helps you create practices to use your knowledge in a way that brings it into the practical.

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